Pic of the day: Cemetery, screenshot from Daggerfall.
Slept till noon. Woke up during the second run of this dream
about the burial rite of some exotic culture. People from all
over the country were carted to a few ritual burying places,
and the corpses gathered in large rooms. There were performed
some sacred rites, such as calling the pager of the deceased.
Standing in a room with 10+ corpses and pagers buzzing all
around gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "the grim beeper".
No prizes for guessing what makes my dreams go in these directions.
But seriously, when I start watching RERUNS of dreams, then I've
got enough sleep for one night!
Since I've told you about the Dogz virtual pet from P.F.Magic, I
think it is my duty to inform you that it crashes my PC every time
after ca 5 minutes of activity. I guess this is not typical, since
there are lots and lots of Dogz and Catz sites on the Net, often
set up by children or teens. I have a Cyrix 686, but it makes no
difference if I run a mask program that makes it dress up like a
Pentium. From what I see in the handy little System Monitor (free
with your Windows 95), the swapfile is growing slowly but steadily
while the Dogz is running. Perhaps the freeze is caused by some
memory leak. The freeze is also accompanied by a sound effect
repeating itself endlessly. This does not say much, since the
chihuahua is making noise almost at all times, and therefore also
when it locks up.
PS: It's 2 in the night and I've tried for nearly an hour to reach
Scandinavia Online's FTP site. I intend to try again tomorrow.