Thursday 31 December 1998

Gift of fire

Been listening to "Joan of Arc" by Leonard Cohen. (For the sad souls who don't have it, the text can be found here. But the music really is essential to getting the most out of this song.) It is just so beautiful ... or perhaps the beauty is in the ear of the listener? As for the text, perhaps this is a bit and a half weird, but I intuitively identify not with Joan but with the Fire. I guess that would explain why I am very very careful about personal relations, as it were.
My first report on "The Celestine Vision" by Redfield: Surprisingly familiar. Yes, you have the New Age pseudo-science with energy fields and even the cosmic consciousness. But peel off the fancy newspeak, and you get a philosophy strikingly familiar to what I used to hear every week in Smith's Friends, the old-fashioned pious Christian movement: First you need a breakthrough to the spiritual reality (experience, not just theory), then you need to hold on to this, to reinforce it constantly. From this new consciousness you can detect the budding patterns of your old power-struggle reactions and stop them before they manifest, choosing instead to react with love, forgiveness and understanding to fill the other person's need. This sounds very familiar, and I must admit I had not expected to find it here.
OK, the fireworks are going pretty wild outside. Time to post the stuff. Remember, you are always welcome to e-mail me. Oh, and I don't have new year's resolutions. If I have real resolutions, I act on them without waiting for certain days. In fact, I already did. Setting up this website, starting to study philosophy, investing time (and a little money) on my best friend ... that kind of thing. And if I discover more, whether it be on a sunny spring day or a dreary influenza night, my resolution is to follow up my resolutions without waiting for the new year! :)

My other diary pages:
Wednesday 30. December
Tuesday 29. December
Monday 28. December
(Christmas holiday! :)
Monday 21. December
Sunday 20. December
Saturday 19. December
Friday 18. December
Thursday 17. December
Wednesday 16. December
Tuesday 15. December
Monday 14. December
Sunday 13. December
Saturday 12. December
Friday 11. December
Thursday 10. December
Wednesday 9. December
Tuesday 8. December
Monday 7. December
Sunday 6. December
Saturday 5. December
Friday 4. December
Thursday 3. December
Wednesday 2. December
Tuesday 1. December

Visit the Diary Farm for the diaries I've put out to pasture until they buy the farm:
November 1998

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