Saturday 5 December 1998

Psychology Today

The newest issue of Psychology Today has its cover article about "Holiday Hell" - the tragedy of holidays gone horribly wrong, most notably because of wild expectations. Worth reading if you have family or friends.
The weather is cold but without snow. Full moon just a night or two ago, and usually this coincides with a clear sky (which it did this time too), so that would explain why it's cold and why it hasn't snowed. I expect the snow to come within a few days when the moon changes, the most interesting question is whether it stays cold or turns to sleet, slush and rain. As it is, it's quite fine by me.
Oh, and I forgot to mention yesterday that I bought the train tickets (with seat reservation) for Oslo the 22nd and back on the 28th. I'd liked to stay a day longer, but I'm not going to try the patience of my friend and (not least) her family by burrowing in there over the entire holiday season. :)

My other diary pages:
Frisday 4. December
Thursday 3. December
Wednesday 2. December
Tuesday 1. December

Visit the Diary Farm for the diaries I've put out to pasture until they buy the farm:
November 1998

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