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Recent updates

March 31: She's baaack!
March 30: Extra virgin
March 29: Not missing you
March 28: A family of one (dimension)
March 27: Supporting cast
March 26: Standard, plus or super
March 25: Coming home
March 24: My trip to the city
March 23: I wanna go home
March 22: Dust to dust
March 21: Goodbye to nothing
March 20: Waiting when it's too late
March 19: Arrival
March 18: Departure
March 17: Mysticism
March 16: Going with the flow
March 15: Shadow of death
March 14: Useless skills
March 13: Stock market fools
March 12: GURPSifying myself
March 11: A brief history of sin
March 10: A really big sin
March 9: Stretch
March 8: Incarnations of mortality
March 7: Clone me now
March 6: Good old ... games?
March 5: GURPS, lojban etc.
March 4: Break the languages!
March 3: Morning vs evening
March 2: Useful normals
March 1: Fragmenting