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Recent updates

February 28: Heavier Norwegians
February 27: Sometimes I wish ...
February 26: It's an e life: Groups
February 25: Guilty innocence
February 24: More pussyfooting
February 23: It's the male's fault!
February 22: Light, camera, roleplay!
February 21: RL vs RP
February 20: Poor me!?
February 19: e-ducation
February 18: Waiting for the broadband
February 17: To serve in Heaven
February 16: Child's toy
February 15: Buying time
February 14: Romance as spectator sport
February 13: Man meets girl
February 12: Plushie perv???
February 11: Thinking of Japan
February 10: If I had more money
February 9: Lone Pepsi drinker
February 8: The robots are coming
February 7: Justice for the losers
February 6: Platonically cute day
February 5: No magic, we're christians
February 4: God or imaginary friend?
February 3: Toilets and planets
February 2: Personal recession
February 1: God and the WC