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Nuts & leaves

Recent updates

October 31: Howls
October 30: The son and the father
October 29: Mixed emotions
October 28: Travel notes
October 27: "Vacation"
October 26: This time for real (?)
October 25: Fame! (Keep dreaming)
October 24: Do ghosts die?
October 23: "Shades of gay"
October 22: Good days and bad
October 21: Perverse sexual lust
October 20: Into the public domain
October 19: Ebola scare
October 18: A little knowledge
October 17: Slippers, soup & stuff
October 16: Muses and musings
October 15: Furries and fantasy fiction
October 14: The price of cheapness
October 13: Rumors of war
October 12: Napping
October 11: "Trust me"
October 10: Late night show
October 9: Kingdom come
October 8: One size fits all?
October 7: Fall of the nuts
October 6: Living large
October 5: Things happen
October 4: Ethically impressed
October 3: Need cash?
October 2: Pride
October 1: Sim heating