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Ice and stone

Recent updates

March 31: In a glass house
March 30: Evil monopolies
March 29: One hand clapping
March 28: Provincial
March 27: Who art in Heaven?
March 26: Family values
March 25: Another abnormal Saturday
March 24: Arthurian feminism
March 23: Thieves and brotherhood
March 22: One with the universe
March 21: Returns
March 20: One of those inbetween days
March 19: No visit to the moon
March 18: Maybe not shopping
March 17: Sloth, greed and lust?
March 16: Matters of the heart
March 15: The toilet nail
March 14: Hospitalized
March 12: Brain, or perhaps not
March 11: More Mr Nice Guy
March 10: What's new?
March 9: Into the dark
March 8: Computer crash
March 7: Sims warmed over
March 6: Simulated love
March 5: Deep, dark secret
March 4: In other news
March 3: Weather talk
March 2: Back from the jungle
March 1: Chaos Notes