Coded green.

Saturday 9 September 2006

Screenshot Breakup Girl screensaver

Pic of the day: Screenshot showing the Breakup Girl screen saver. Saving screens (and supposedly relationships) the world over...

Short: Return of Breakup Girl

Yes, I have changed my standards. Intead of naming all short entries "fast forward", which is descriptive but no help in telling them apart, I now use the Short: prefix to warn users to not set aside their whole lunch break for this entry.

Back in the days where Breakup Girl was found on, I used to enjoy reading about this highly unusual superheroine. It was a very tongue-in-cheek comic, about a superheroine who averted romantic disasters almost exclusively. It was funny, insightful but somewhat amateurish, and it did not take itself seriously as a superhero comic. It did take romance seriously though. While I have no use for that, the topic has always fascinated me.

When the site suddenly disappeared, evidently axed by Oxygen whom they had sold out to, I was miffed for some length of time. Whenever I found one of my old entries pointing to what was now a search engine of doubtful value, I wished for the good old days when Breakup Girl was on the Net.

The good old days are back again, at least to some extent. has the old stuff and a little new as well. For all you people who are breaking up, or would rather prefer not to, it is worth a look. For the rest, it may still be worth a laugh.

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: Computers unplugged
Two years ago: Unhappiness & sex
Three years ago: Eternal life?
Four years ago: I'll never know Korea
Five years ago: Family values
Six years ago: The black hole
Seven years ago: A farewell (and not to arms)

Visit the archive page for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.

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