Coded green.

Friday 23 September 2005

Old tired cat from anime Suzuka

Pic of the day: This is pretty much how I feel at the end of such a week.

Fast forward

Much as I'd love to say something deep, the truth is that work has eaten my week. Normally I work only 90%, but right now it's far more. The good thing is that I'm paying off "undertime" that I've worked less before, but I had planned to pay for that with vacation days anyway. I've got nearly 4 weeks of vacation left after all.

The evenings have been mainly spent testing a new type of hero in City of Heroes. Well, halfway new. Dark/Sonic Defender. And later in the evening something less exciting, Sims 2 University + Nightlife. In neither case am I ready to add any conclusions for a while yet.

No exciting development on the health front at this time. No exciting development on the romance front ever. And no new apartment yet.

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: The evolution of grandparents
Two years ago: Gems of the day
Three years ago: The muses in my head
Four years ago: Appropriate games
Five years ago: Can a nice guy get laid?
Six years ago: Doubting myself

Visit the for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.

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