Coded green.

Saturday 7 October 2006

Screenshot anime Ah My Goddess

Pic of the day: "This accumulation of failure means your chance of success will be greater next time" says Belldandy in the anime Ah! My Goddess!. Well, that depends... if you throw a coin and get tails for the tenth time, you still only have a 50% chance of heads next time. Hopefully shopping on Amazon is slightly less random, although you will be excused for wondering.

Amazon adventures II

In which I act like a normal, confused customer.

Yesterday thoughtfully mailed me to tell me that they had a lot of stuff they would sell me at greatly reduced prices. Some of it even half price, some perhaps just 33% off, but lots and lots of stuff. Among those things I noticed the upcoming DVD of the movie Superman Returns. As a comic book reader from my childhood (although Superman was hard to come by back then) and a fan of the Smallville TV series (also on DVD, obviously, since I don't have a TV), it didn't seem much of a stretch to buy it. Besides, while I haven't seen it myself, I hear that Superman is hearing voices in his head or something. Or at least the voice of his father. That would be interesting.

So I put it in the shopping cart, then remembered that there was something familiar about this. I checked, and yes I had pre-ordered it already. So I removed it from the cart... only to find out that I had removed the earlier pre-order, which was even cheaper than this one. There was, of course, no way to undo this undoing. So I decided that no way would I buy this movie for more than I could have gotten it for, so I tossed out the other pre-order too.

I can always buy it when everyone has got it and it ends up in the dirt cheap box. Or I could rent it at the local video store, I suspect. I rarely need to see a movie twice. Actually, I could easily get it from the Pirate Bay, but I hesitate to do that. It is one thing to download songs I have already bought, to get them to my MP3 player. Or even the fansubbed anime, which does not exist in any buyable form in English, only in Japanese at best. (Often only on TV.) But just to be cheap? I don't need that. I am blessed to live in a rich country and have very moderate needs. It just doesn't seem fair to steal a movie I could easily rent. More about that another day, I guess.

Another thing I noticed, and this is as ironic as they come: The CD I had bought was down by £1 before delivery, and Amazon on their own account decided to let me get that price cut even though I had already ordered it (it happened before they had the time to pack it). So... you remember yesterday how I wrote about having to delay one of the two CDs because the price came just a few pence over the free import limit? If I hadn't done that, the price cut would have kicked in and made the order just under the limit anyway. I needn't have bothered.

Ah, but we all do the things we think are best at the moment, don't we? Sometimes we discover we were wrong a few seconds later, sometimes a few days, or a few years. And sometimes, perhaps, we are actually right. I wouldn't know for sure. What I know is that people take too many things seriously. Death and love are serious. In most other things, I can afford a honest mistake.

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: CoH: Dark defenders
Two years ago: A little sick
Three years ago: Divine in(ter)vention?
Four years ago: Not quite ADSL day
Five years ago: The ethics of war
Six years ago: Fall of the nuts
Seven years ago: Singing in the morning

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