Coded green.
Pic of the day: The garden. Fast forwardSuddenly the summer set in. It is strange to think that a month or so ago, it was too cold to be in the living room for any length of time. Now it is too hot to wear clothes pretty much anywhere in the house. Well, the basement is still cool, but my only room there is the washing room. I suppose if it keeps growing hotter, I could spend the evenings half naked in the washing room with my portable computer. I do have wireless network after all. But I hope it doesn't come to that. Also, the portable computer cannot play Oblivion. Yes, I still have the Oblivion fever, although my mind's immune system is slowly working to build up my resistance, as always. I guess one of these days I might even have taken the time to cook dinner again. But that is a moot point now, in this heat. Ice cream and yogurt make up almost all of my diet now. Not to mention yogurt ice cream, a wonderful invention indeed. If we ever meet aliens, we should try to trade frozen yogurt for their faster-than-light drives. It seems a reasonable exchange. At least in the summer it seems so. |
Visit the archive page for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.