Coded green.

Saturday 24 March 2007

Spring flowers

Pic of the day: Spring flowers. The landlord's 80 year old grandmother still maintains the garden, by the way. Not that these particular flowers require much maintenance.

I love spring

It seems that I love spring more as I grow older. I still remember when fall was my favorite season. But now, each spring seems more ... poignant. Life bouncing back, once again. Perhaps it is because I realize more for each passing year what a precious, fragile thing life is, after all.

There is also the practical consideration that spring and fall are the only times of the year when it is easy for me to walk as long as I want, without overheating or freezing (or slipping on the ice in the dark winter evenings). I have taken advantage of this these days. I still enjoy walking, and probably will as long as it doesn't cause me pain. Yeah, it takes time, but this is time I can use to think, or even meditate in a fashion.

I am sure I could analyze further and come up with more reasons. But is that really necessary? Can't we sometimes just like something? If I hate something (not to mention someone, God forbid) then careful study might be in order, to find that within myself which causes the uproar. But to love something that is natural and good and part of the great order of things ... it should be only natural. To love that which is good, I think, is the shortest way to goodness and thus to happiness.

It makes for short entries, though.

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: Health confusion
Two years ago: Plane truths
Three years ago: Still the same
Four years ago: Out of hand again
Five years ago: Chained bird
Six years ago: My trip to the city
Seven years ago: Arthurian feminism
Eight years ago: Why are we shooting Serbs?

Visit the archive page for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.

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