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Late flowering bush


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Recent updates

July 31: Morrowind magic
July 30: Morrowind Summoner
July 29: Future furries
July 28: Worry and capitalism
July 27: Why bother?
July 26: The lunch date
July 25: Destined for deconstruction
July 24: War or peace
July 23: Killing innocents
July 22: Pleasure attack again
July 21: Perspective, people, perspective!
July 20: The Eternal Newbie
July 19: I want my acid
July 18: Libraries and the future
July 17: The Prometheus and I
July 16: Idiots left and right
July 15: Who wants vacation anyway?
July 14: The soul of swords
July 13: Morrowind mod madness
July 12: John Byrne's Next Men
July 11: Love itself
July 10: A hell of a fiction
July 9: The future, finally
July 8: Promethevs, Loki & Lucifer
July 7: Smart but dumb
July 6: Some thoughts on prayer
July 5: Dragon Naturally(?) Speaking
July 4: In God we trust?
July 3: Word completion
July 2: Ave Caesar
July 1: Doing something
June 30: We co-create worlds
June 29: Irrational super-heroes
June 28: Tired
June 27: Ever smaller gods
June 26: Death do them part?
June 25: Ye gods ...
June 24: World Bank - threat or menace?
June 23: Redefining family values
June 22: Sleep and daydreams
June 21: Thank Allah! It's Friday
June 20: Service with a smite
June 19: Sock puppet deathmatch
June 18: Why women are superior
June 17: Sims computer reborn!
June 16: "How hard can it be?"
June 15: Faith and miracles
June 14: Creepy Godmaking
June 13: Spiralling towards nothingness
June 12: We're all gonna die!
June 11: Out of hand, out of time
June 10: Cheap filler
June 9: "Prince of Egypt" movie
June 8: Morrowind alchemy journal
June 7: Just a day
June 6: Morrowind: TES 3 or Ultima X?
June 5: Antsy arm
June 4: A different HP love story
June 3: When good people do bad things
June 2: Furry side of Morrowind
June 1: Morrowind, day 2
May 31: Morrowind!
May 30: Cosmic uncertainty
May 29: Unsexy shoppers
May 28: Celtic legends retold
May 27: Reflections of the day
May 26: Evil inside
May 25: Nothing much
May 24: Breadth of time
May 23: Phone-space
May 22: Trillian
May 21: Nano millenium?
May 20: Magic fiction, please
May 19: Spare wheel of romance
May 18: Potter revisited
May 17: Just say .no
May 16: Day bits
May 15: Trivial pain and joy
May 14: Spooner or later
May 13: Wacom day
May 12: Reality reversed
May 11: Reversed menace
May 10: The road you should have chosen
May 9: Advertising
May 8: The real pain
May 7: Outdoors
May 6: Not gonna take it
May 5: Games update
May 4: Ways to be two
May 3: Corruption?
May 2: Short
May 1: Ignorance of science