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Empty room

Recent updates

January 31: Day of hunger
January 30: New home
January 29: Emptiness
January 28: Signed lease
January 27: Fast forward
January 26: Fast floorward
January 25: Clearing out
January 24: Miracles while you wait!
January 23: Moving day - NOT!
January 22: Bus dream
January 21: "Finding a glove"
January 20: Expired cookies
January 19: ...all the papers...
January 18: Ubuntu and delays
January 17: Stranger at home
January 16: Sims2: All in 1 NPC
January 15: 21 years?!
January 14: Final(?) slaughter of games
January 13: Humanity 2.x – flawed?
January 12: Sims2 PSP first looks
January 11: Fun with socialists
January 10: Telephone day
January 9: Game slaughter resumes
January 8: Weight gain
January 7: Autism & humanity v. 3.0
January 6: Burning knowledge
January 5: Killing even more games
January 4: Killing more games
January 3: Square/cube children
January 2: More games destroyed
January 1: Like killing your pets