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Red spring bush


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Recent updates

April 30: Month's end
April 29: I do not regret
April 28: Official stupidity
April 27: A-pun the border
April 26: In the rain
April 25: A SMALL experiment
April 24: Nice spring day
April 23: Meanwhile on Earth ...
April 22: Hibernia
April 21: Who are we today?
April 20: Who to cling to
April 19: Information immunity
April 18: Health care stalinism
April 17: Out of hand II
April 16: Out of hand
April 15: Stranger in Paradise?
April 14: A single paradox
April 13: SimCountry lessons
April 12: Progress, mostly
April 11: Sim Country
April 10: Spiritual distribution?
April 9: Forgetting past evils
April 8: Spirits, or perhaps not
April 7: Quiet Sunday
April 6: They are always wrong
April 5: Youthful lust?
April 4: Food for body and soul?
April 3: A book again
April 2: Late entry
April 1: Sideways into the future
March 31: Forever is a long time
March 30: Non profit Net prophet
March 29: Good Fridays and bad
March 28: Commute: Work or leisure?
March 27: Songs of the heart divine
March 26: Utopia vs dystopia
March 25: Copyright, copywrong
March 24: Chained bird
March 23: Separate tables
March 22: It's me!
March 21: Recession over?
March 20: EverQuest in spandex?
March 19: Short
March 18: GeForce day
March 17: City of heroes RPG
March 16: Simulated philosophy
March 15: Blah
March 14: Sim dating redux
March 13: Synchronicity and e-books
March 12: Barely ecchi teenz II
March 11: Barely ecchi teenz
March 10: Brain extension
March 9: Apprentice gods
March 8: Books & writing
March 7: Musings of an idle muse
March 6: Giver's joy
March 5: TV: Friendly fire
March 4: Very specific sexual lust
March 3: Where knowledge ends
March 2: Snow camouflage 2
March 1: Quantities of entanglement