Coded green.

Wednesday 3 April 2002

A book again

I wrote about something else, but it just didn't seem quite right even though I rewrote it. I decided to just give it up for now. Instead I'll recommend a book I just bought and read.

Taking Flight: A Legend of Ethshar by Lawrence Watt-Evans. It is one of several books set in this fantasy world, evidently. The world has a cheerful fantasy RPG feel, with lots of small kingdoms, lots of different magics which are not very clearly defined, and lots of boring characters which we luckily don't spend any time on ... they are only backdrops for the real characters, who are quite interesting and well drawn. I will definitely look out for more of these novels.

The main character is 16 years old, but is not American. That is to say, he is a young adult and there are rather heavy indications of premarital hanky-panky. Not that this is ever stated explicitly, only heavily hinted at. There are certainly no details, which is just as well. But it's not really a children's book. More young adult, I'd say.

The book never gets boring. This is due largely to the characters, and one intriguing character especially. Of course, it helps that I like to read about magic, and there is moderate use of magic every few pages. There is also romance, and the occasional drama.

I bought the book as an e-book from It is published by Wildside Press.

I couldn't have written it better myself. I'm off to have another of his books now. That's all, folks.

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Two years ago: Wasted envy
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