Coded blue.

Tuesday 19 September 2006

Screenshot Sims2

Pic of the day: It isn't easy to be painfully shy and in love with an outgoing party person. Not that I would know, of course. This is all about my Sims again!

Pity the Sim

For the Piddly Creek neighborhood, I made only one founder Sim: Megan Reading. I have written in the past about her and the boy she met at the university and how they loved each other so much that they could not live together because they got nothing else done. Eventually they did marry and live on the Piddly Farm, after she had raised one child and the second was in school. They are still crazy about each other, and have two grandchildren now and an unwed daughter, Amanda. So far, so good.

But then for some reason I decided to create a new Sim in the same neighborhood. This was to be an extremely shy bachelor who would live and die alone. That was the whole point, to view a Sim life that was at heart pointless, apart from leaving behind a house that someone else could buy for less than the new price. Not much of a purpose in life. But the futility was the point of it. To force myself to see the emptiness of a life that had no meaning except to the Sim himself and his creator.

But I don't think I can do it. Over time Mr Lohne became friends with various members of the Reading household. Nothing bad with that. Everyone needs friends, even reclusive bachelors. But then, the only time I invited him over while playing them, something happened. I looked away for a few seconds and evidently either he or Amanda did something weird, and the two of them fell in love right there and then.

This was unplanned and unexpected. She is a popularity Sim, he is a fortune Sim with 0 outgoing points. They only have 1 lightning bolt of attraction, while he and Marisa Bendett have two bolts and the same purpose in life: To earn as much money as possible and buy cool stuff. So why did he go for the less compatible Amanda? I will never know. Spur of the moment, probably.

I have tried to switch him over to Marisa, but it doesn't work. And in any case, I have spent so much time with him now that I don't have the heart to let him just fade away pointlessly. Even though that was the point.

I shall probably have to marry him into the family, one way or another. Not sure whether Amanda should move out (less taxes and less people to keep track of in each house) or he move in with them (playing one household instead of two makes history progress faster). In any case, he seems set to become part of the clan. This is against the whole idea of having a founder... the plan was to marry townie Sims in each generation and gradually dilute the genes of the founder. With two different founders, from two generations even, the underlying idea kinda fizzles.

But be that as it may, the love of my Sims is most important! My Sims don't need to die single and forgotten, just because I do...

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: PSP movies
Two years ago: More Sim than ever?
Three years ago: Manly writing
Four years ago: Sweet and simple?
Five years ago: When Harry didn't meet Sally
Six years ago: Drooling fadboy!
Seven years ago: Working on Sunday

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