Coded green.

Saturday 18 September 2004

Screenshot Sims2

Pic of the day: d~ When I dream, I dream of me ... ~b You have to admit that's a simulated diarist right there! Self-absorbed much?

Looks like a Sim

The first two nights, Sims2 kept me awake till well past four in the morning. At my age, I guess that means the game really is better than sex... or "woo hoo" as it is known by the Sims. Yes, the Sims are definitely doing it, according to numerous sources. My Sims are not, yet, but they better get on with it before they grow old: There is DNA to preserve here! No Sim lives forever, you know...

Anyway, I woke up well before noon, and decided to shop for groceries. There was basically no fresh food left in the house, just dry stuff. I wasn't eager to go, because of my feet: The pinky toe on my left foot had still not mended, and now for some reason the joints to the big toe on my right foot were hurting quite sharply as well. I guess my unnatural walking this past couple days may have contributed to that; my legs are kinda stiff as well. But a little pain is acceptable as long as it does not signify danger. The body must be used so it knows it is occupied and doesn't just shut down, right? And of course there was the small matter of the food.

So I walked to the bus stop, a quarter of an hour or so at my current speed (usually 12 minutes). From there I took the bus to the small town of Tangvall, the municipality center around here. I had half an hour to shop, which was more than enough. So I spent the rest of the time just looking around. (For once, I had forgotten my pocket PC at home, or I would have been reading or writing.) And I noticed something: I noticed several teenagers that looks suspiciously like Sims! OK, the graphics in Real Life were even better. Have to give it to the Creator, when it comes to immersive graphics and sound effects there's nothing like Real Life! Now if only the reload feature could be implemented... but it seems there won't be any more patches before the final release. Oh well.

While Sim teenagers and real teenagers are reasonably similar, at least a number of them, the adults is another matter. Part of it may be that I live in Norway, and the men here are simply not to that skinny. Even those who are not fat, are more robust and usually more muscular. That's not because they work out a lot, but because the Sims are ridiculously skinny and weak looking. There are only two body builds in the game, and none of them are what I would call robust. In fact, one is skinny and the other is skinny with a paunch. At least the female Sims' alternate body shape has a well developed backside instead of the stomach bulge; in that aspect at least they are anatomically correct, although they should probably have more thighs as well. As Norwegian women are not quite as robust looking as the men, they look slightly more like Sims. But except for the young adults, the similarity is not striking.

I guess it is obvious that the game has really got under my skin when I make observations like that. But there you have it. That's the thing I remember the best from the day. Although the yogurt was good as well!

Oh, and it seems that my wish from one year ago has come true! Wonder how many aspiration points I get for that?

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: Supreme geekiness
Two years ago: The alien letters, 2
Three years ago: Crash on Wall Street
Four years ago: The vote bank
Five years ago: They did not swallow

Visit the Diary Farm for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.

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