Coded green.

Monday 7 May 2007

Flowers by house wall

Pic of the day: Spring at the House of Chaos.

Fast forward

I still entertain the foolish notion of someday writing a real entry every day again. But it won't be anytime soon, since I write this three weeks later. I barely even remember what happened at this time. That's partly because very little happened, in the sense of physical drama, and this is good. My sims were no doubt crazily in love - they seem to do that a lot if I let them - and my superheroes are slowly growing in power and influence, no doubt. On the other hand, the flowers have no concern about such things and seem to have a pretty good time while it lasts. Soon they will be gone, but there will be other flowers.

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: Anime "Karin"
Two years ago: Mazrim & the cow
Three years ago: Fast forward
Four years ago: 3 bubbles a day
Five years ago: Outdoors
Six years ago: Poor singles, yet again
Seven years ago: Magnus unplugged
Eight years ago: Waking up at bedtime

Visit the archive page for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.

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