Coded green.

Friday 9 May 2003

Screenshot DAoC

Pic of the day: Looking a bit lost ... one of my DAoC characters exploring the shores of Aegir.

Lost in magic

Finally the work week is over. I hurried home and played computer games and watched anime. Oh, and the catwoman is back, but luckily she goes to bed earlier now, not around the time most people go to work...

In DAoC, I made a new little necromancer to explore the Shrouded Isles part of Albion. I plan to stay as much as possible on the island with this character, wandering further and further from the starting area. So far it works fine, I have found a reasonable mix of opponents and loot.

But as usual, perhaps half the evening was spent playing Itlandsen, the overly defensive paladin (now level 43 of 50 possible). I met another guild member I have fought together with in the past, and we powerleveled a couple lower-level guildies. And then we met more guildies, and then more people, and somehow when he logged off I was left as main battle tank for a full group for the rest of the night. "You'd get more XP if I left" I tried to hint. "Yeah, but then we would have to work for it." Can't argue with the logic.


I have started to write another fantasy novel. What can I say? That's just the kind of guy I am. It's a bright and friendly and lighthearted piece of fiction, not overly adult in nature by any measure. My first impulse was to call it Happy World, but of course that won't do since that's the title of an anime. The I thought about Lost in Beauty but that sounded like a book for girls. So far I've landed on Lost in Magic. It's about a rather sad 16 year old boy who is mysteriously transported to a magical world. Having played role playing games and watched movies, he is not surprised when he hears the legend about a hero from another world who will save the land in a time of dire trouble. Problem is, people are all too quick to agree that he cannot possibly be a hero; and besides, the place is less troubled than most vacation resorts back home ...

Sadly, my right hand is still not recovered, so the writing is rather limited. And so is my diary. But at least I'm home and can breathe more freely now. At least when I don't think about it.

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: Advertising
Two years ago: I am lazy
Three years ago: Mourn the fool
Four years ago: Most pathetic day

Visit the Diary Farm for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.

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