Coded green.
Pic of the day: Goodbye to you, my trusted friend... Bed-lamI think my bed may well be older than me. I bought it around 25 years ago from an auction after an old couple that had passed on. It was visibly used then. Now, it is in the process of breaking down completely. Springs protrude through the original surface so I have to cover them with two layers of sheets to keep them down. The legs are loose and it is all it can do to not collapse. Luckily there are no repetitive bed-shaking movements in my 1-person family. I had already decided to get rid of the bed when I move later this month (or will it be early next month? It certainly looks that way now). I would buy a new bed, smaller. (This one is double, foldable.) Just a cheap student bed really. Pretty much anything would be better than this. Well, I don't hoard large riches. What I had is mostly spent by paying double rent for three and a half month. Then I shall have to pay for having the floor surface replaced in three rooms, and probably some hired help to scrub the place utterly clean. I may get free (or almost free) help to move and to drive old stuff to the landfill, but I'm still likely to sink into debt for a while. I don't know how much it will cost, and am not overly worried: Loans are easy to get if you don't have a bad credit history. Cheap loans are not, but I'm likely to pay them back pretty quickly. And to remind me of that, I'm going to sleep on the guest mattress on the floor. It's not like I'm going to have guests staying over ever again. |
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