Coded green.

Friday 9 December 2005

Screenshot Sims2

Pic of the day: Betrayal at Frontdoor. Stein (in red) embraces his old friend Benjamin before feeding him to the cow plant. A regrettable but necessary act for the benefit of Steins half-alien descendants. In comparison, my life is rather mundane these days.

Fast forward

I don't have anything significant to say today. There are actually many such days when I am insignificant and unimportant. I never claimed to be a full incarnation of the Cosmic Consciousness, always full of important wisdom to spread around.

Sometimes I just play the Sims 2 to amuse myself and my livejournal friends. Thanks to the wonderful invention of tags in livejournal, you can easily read them all there instead of me porting them over here.
My Sims on LiveJournal.

I am sure most of you feel that you get enough blue entries as is. If not, be sure to tell me. ^^

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: A day of madness
Two years ago: White desire
Three years ago: Bankers of the realm
Four years ago: Shared unrealities
Five years ago: Singing waters
Six years ago: Cold sores and so Forth
Seven years ago: OK day.

Visit the archive page for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.

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