Coded green.

Friday 11 August 2006

Screenshot CoH

Pic of the day: To the left Itland the Wereporcupine. In the middle a trader of enhancements. To the right is Safety Girl which he paired up with. She creates protective force fields.

Fast forward

I have recently taken to playing Itland the wereporcupine in City of Heroes again. I played him during test and for a little while afterwards, but it is much easier now that I know the game inside and out. In the game, he is a spines / regeneration scrapper, which is very close to how I played him on the Acid Reflux forum as well.

Apart from that I keep eating salads, and have not yet gotten sick. Whatever it is that usually causes runny guts when I eat fruit and vegetables, there must be little or nothing of it in the mix that I eat, because I don't have any problem even after two days. Good to know. Theoretically I could eat this every day (or workday at least) but since I am half hungry and half full the rest of the day, I probably won't. I will definitely do it again, though.

I am still exploring, albeit slowly. I am writing a little in my blog there, about spiritual and integral things mostly. That doesn't mean I won't write about it here, there is probably zero overlap in readers. But I won't write about it here today.

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: Willpower revisited
Two years ago: Gaming for money
Three years ago: I have a fan!
Four years ago: Steatopygia
Five years ago: Growing pains
Six years ago: Payday! Payday!
Seven years ago: Your wager with Death

Visit the archive page for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.

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