Coded green.
Pic of the day: To the left Itland the Wereporcupine. In the middle a trader of enhancements. To the right is Safety Girl which he paired up with. She creates protective force fields. Fast forwardI have recently taken to playing Itland the wereporcupine in City of Heroes again. I played him during test and for a little while afterwards, but it is much easier now that I know the game inside and out. In the game, he is a spines / regeneration scrapper, which is very close to how I played him on the Acid Reflux forum as well. Apart from that I keep eating salads, and have not yet gotten sick. Whatever it is that usually causes runny guts when I eat fruit and vegetables, there must be little or nothing of it in the mix that I eat, because I don't have any problem even after two days. Good to know. Theoretically I could eat this every day (or workday at least) but since I am half hungry and half full the rest of the day, I probably won't. I will definitely do it again, though. I am still exploring, albeit slowly. I am writing a little in my blog there, about spiritual and integral things mostly. That doesn't mean I won't write about it here, there is probably zero overlap in readers. But I won't write about it here today. |
Visit the archive page for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.