I fell asleep before midnight last night and woke up before 7, so I got up and went out to hack the local portals, especially the big blue one. The sky was clear but the air was rather crisp for summer – I recently heard some random passerby say that there was “autumn air”, and it is not too far from the truth. Despite the month and a half of relentless sun, the summer has never been super hot. In fact, this is probably why I got sunburned this year: I was taken by surprise by the intensity of the sun since it did not feel that hot.
Yeah, my nose is pretty red now as I approach bedtime, but at least the sun wasn’t as intense as it was around midsummer. On the other hand, I spent a lot of time Ingressing.
I hacked the portals here in Mandal repeatedly in the morning. Later in the morning I went to Kristiansand. I came across a sculpture that had not been submitted for portal evaluation, and spent so much time doing this that I had to run for the bus to Grimstad. I caught the bus, just barely (the driver was late too), but arrived gasping for breath. This is something I really hate, because it is the one thing that may trigger my asthma attacks. I did have an inhaler with me, but luckily I did not need it. Imagine my shock when I realized that my heart was not even trying to beat fast. I noticed this for some reason. When I sat down in the bus, I tested it with my Android app, and my pulse was below 70 beats per minute. Why is it beating slowly when I have been running, but beating fast other times when I have not? It is as if my heart lives in a different world from me. And not in a romantic sense.
Despite this, I survived unharmed and got all the portals in central Grimstad online and upgraded to level 4 or above. This cost me quite a few of my precious level 6 resonators, but one of the portals had some high-level resonators left over from last time, and I put a multi-hack and heat sink on it and got back some level 6 resonators and other goodies.
I returned to Kristiansand, found and submitted another portal, and stopped by work. Ingress really hungrifies: I had not brought any food or even snacks, and traipsing around Grimstad all that time made me ravenously hungry. Luckily a few spoonfuls of yogurt and a glass of Pepsi convinced my writhing stomach that starvation is not actually an important health risk in Norway today. I checked the bus timetable and found that I was just barely too late for the bus home, so I spent almost an hour in the city waiting for the next bus.
The bus was full. Rather than stand for three quarters back to Mandal, I left the bus and went back to hacking the two remaining level 6 portals in Kristiansand. Two hours later, I was back at the bus station to take the next bus. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that the times change in the late afternoon, and the bus had left a quarter ago. The next would go in one hour and three quarters, then.
In that time I submitted a third portal, filled up a few portals that lacked one or more resonators, wandered around and soaked up XM to recharge resonators. My feet hurt, but they usually do at the end of the day, since for some reason I tend to spend a couple hours or four Ingressing most days, it seems. But it isn’t often I’m as active as today. And it isn’t often I submit three portals on one day. I honestly have no idea how I will keep them recharged if they get accepted. Hopefully at some point we will manage to recruit another Enlightened in this area. Actually there is probably room for two or three of them by now. But for now, there is just me, for as long as even I last. It is not even midnight, and I wish I could go to sleep. But I ate too much to go to bed yet (acid reflux) and the Muslims upstairs are noisy as they often are with their crazy music. So don’t expect a repeat of this tomorrow.