I took a walk/jog today again. My pulse was not super low, but it did not stay up either even after five quarters and 800 calories. So I guess I still had a lot of charge left. After all, I did not exercise at all yesterday (well, except for my commute, about 25 minutes of walking).
Archive for the ‘Exercise’ Category
For want of a nail
Posted by Itlandm on August 29, 2012
My pulse was super low today again. My batteries must be fully charged and supercharged. I didn’t exercise yesterday because of recurring gut pains. It does not seem to have stopped whatever process it is that charges the batteries of my body though. But after 500 calories, I had to give up because a half ingrown toenail acted up. I’ve tended to it but didn’t jog more today and won’t be tomorrow either.
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Posted by Itlandm on August 27, 2012
After a couple rainy days in a row (a rare thing here on Norway’s south coast) my pulse was super low, even by my standards. I could jog longer before my pulse reached 130 (that is where I usually drop back into walking) and it took shorter before it fell to 115 (where I go from walking to jogging). In RPG terms I would call it a 10% boost to recovery for a duration of 40 minutes. Actually it was probably slightly below 10%, but fairly close.
I usually get this if I have not exercised in two or more days, unless I have a fever in the meantime. I believe ordinary humans have it too, because it is common to rest the second day before a race, says Google, and only do brief exercise the last day. So this must be a well known phenomenon, but I have not found any name for it. I don’t know what causes it either. It is not glycogen, I think, for I almost never use up my glycogen. When you run a marathon, you will use up your glycogen at some point and it is called “bonking” or “hitting the wall”. Your body becomes heavy and even shaky and you cannot run even if you try, although you can still walk. Some people become able to run again, albeit slower, a so-called second wind. And of course if they drink sugar water, they will be able to run on that once it hits the blood.
I’d love to know what this “supercharging” is that lets me perform better after two days without exercise. But even if I don’t know how it works, I still make use of it.
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My weekend
Posted by Itlandm on August 20, 2012
On Saturday, when I put on the pulse watch to exercise, I found my pulse was 15-20 points above the usual. This is a sure sign I am brewing on an infection, when I have not exercised really hard or in a new way the day before (that gives the higher pulse as well). I was not super surprised, because I have cut corners on sleep the last week (without compensating enough with brainwave entrainment). So I took only half an hour’s walk that day, and nothing on Sunday. On Sunday, I had a slight temperature, not quite a fever but higher than normal.
Night to Monday, at 4 AM, I woke from pain in both my upper jaws, and a feeling of swelling and pressure, most strongly on the left. By the time I got to work around 9 AM, the pain in the right side was gone, but the left was still so bad I planned to go to the clinic and get some antibiotic. I did delay it though, and the pain lessened throughout the day. By now there is just a faint tenderness, and soreness in the gums. Today my pulse is back to super low again. I walked and jogged for about 40 minutes, but had to stop as one foot was about to blister. I could probably have kept going if not – so much time without exercise means my battery was fully charged. So evidently a couple days of infection does not stop glycogen from building up in the muscles. It is probably a completely separate process from the immune system thing.
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Still walking around
Posted by Itlandm on August 4, 2012
My pulse hasn’t continued to go down – it has actually gone just a little bit up. Not a lot though, 5-10 beats depending on the day, from the minimum I wrote about last time. I walk, with some jogging, most days when it is not raining. It very rarely rains two days in a row here on Norway’s south coast, more like two days a week, although during July it is more like three days a week.
What I do is walk casually for ten minutes to warm up. By then my pulse is usually just over 110, so I jog a short stretch to get it to 125 at least. Then I walk till it is just over 115, and jog till it is 130. I repeat this as needed, and after a while it stabilizes around 120. As long as it is 117 or above, I don’t stress it further. I admit that sounds random, but I’ve been doing this most days of the week for months, and I recognize certain “levels” of functioning. It is a bit like the stock exchange, where a stock may have a ceiling and a floor. If it goes through one of these, it takes on a different formation which is less predictable. My pulse is like that.
Apart from that I can’t think of any great news concerning my body. This is good. Long may it live, but we can only do so much for that and leave the rest to providence.
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Small pulse episode
Posted by Itlandm on July 8, 2012
Last summer before my first tachycardia (racing heart) episode, I would often take trips of an hour and a half, sometimes even longer. I dared not jog more than a few steps at that time, but on May 2 this year I had my heart checked out and was told it was in super shape, so I have sped up a bit. Still, I have never gone quite that far away from home, because of the risk that I would be stranded there with a tachycardia. Today that happened, or rather began to happen.
I was about 30 minutes away from home at my usual speed when I decided to jog a bit further than usual. My pulse had remained low enough that I had to jog fairly frequently to stay in the fat-burning zone. So I decided to give it a bit more. This time however the pulse did not fall back to the lower level afterwards, and after some more walking it started climbing the way I have seen in this year’s tachycardia attacks. They have luckily grown milder and shorter over time, so I did not feel like panicking quite yet. The doctors say that I can live with these for several hours before I need to seek attention.
Still, I stopped on the road near a farm where a small group of people were sitting by a table a ways from the road, enjoying the sunny but not sweltering weather. I thought about asking them for some water and perhaps to rest in the shade for a little while until my pulse straightened itself out. In the end, I decided against it, and walked to the nearest natural shade where I waited a few minutes. By that time, the pulse already began to get back in normal range. I did not jog anymore this trip, but by the time I was home, my pulse was pretty much normal. So that worked quite well. Also, burned another 850 calories. ^_^
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950 calories
Posted by Itlandm on July 7, 2012
My white jogging shoes are now broken in enough for an hour’s walk without any ill effects. These were the ones that gnawed a hole in my skin – made a blister and burst it – the first weekend I had them. They seem to be adapting to me, and I to them. Even so, after that hour I stopped by at home and changed into another pair, so that’s how I got to 950. Not a personal record, although with my lower pulse it takes more exercise to get the same estimated calories as before. Not sure that actually means my body has become more energy-efficient. The heart rate is just a way to guess at the metabolism after all.
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Routine doctor appointment
Posted by Itlandm on July 5, 2012
It is one of those harmless but weird experiences: I was sitting at the doctor’s waiting room, but did not know why. OK, this is not always harmless: It might be a severe brain disorder, I guess. But in this case, it was just that the appointment was made in spring sometime and I had forgotten to include any notes in my calendar, so I did not know if it was related to the heart test in May, my ongoing pre-diabetes, a generic maintenance check, or possibly (but unlikely) some other problem which I might have had then and not now.
It turned out to be the first two. We talked about the result of the stress test, which we were both very happy about. This is the doctor who believes that almost all health problems can be run away from, in the sense that hours of exercise can solve most modern health problems. (I tend to agree to a large extent.) Now that have started adding a little jogging to my daily hour or so of walking, he is very happy. I am sure he would be even happier if I ran like a horse for two hours a day, but hopefully it won’t come to that. At least unless my exercise asthma suddenly disappears. It seems to be the only thing between me and an Olympic medal these days. ^_^
Seriously, it seems to be only weeks between each time my heart rate adjusts itself down. The heart has reasons the lungs do not know, or the other way around: In either case, they don’t coordinate their improvements. Today after I came home, I ran into the limit – or perhaps jogged into it.
Usually it has been the resting pulse that has inched down, but this time it was my exercise pulse. The pulse was perfectly normal when I put the sensors on, but it did not increase as much with activity as it used to do. This has been a trend lately, but today for the first time I ran into the exercise astma barrier – I could not jog long enough to keep my pulse in my ideal zone without triggering a low-grade asthma attack with hacking cough. I slowed down at that point, so it did not proceed to wheezing, but it is still kind of icky. I may really have to start taking asthma medication before I start exercising, or else just live with the fact that my pulse stays below 120. That isn’t exactly much of an exercise. Although I suppose I could up the time with another quarter, to an hour and a half. I was kind of hoping to exercise more in less time though.
Heart: You call this exercise? I call it [ERROR IN SARCASM DATABASE]
Lungs: Hey! Slow down there! We can’t keep up with all this hard work!
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A “normal” day
Posted by Itlandm on June 25, 2012
Today my pulse was higher than usual, within normal human range. (Thus the headline.) Still, I had barely been outdoors the whole weekend (one half-hour trip on Saturday) and not exercised after work on Friday either. It rained most of yesterday and the day before, and I took that as an excuse to rest a bit. I don’t see it as a Sign, exactly – I kind of hope God has more important things in mind when deciding the weather for the south coast of Norway – but rain is so uncommon here, it is a nice excuse for a break. To have a rainy Saturday and a rainy Sunday in a row is particularly uncommon. It may be the first time this year, for what I can remember.
Today I took a five quarter walk. With the higher pulse I did not jog more than a couple times early on, otherwise I was in the target zone pretty much the whole time. I did walk across a large hill though. In the end I burned around 800 calories extra, judging from my pulse clock. (There’s a bit of afterburn, but it was close to normal after an hour and a half, when I had burned 950 calories according the the Polar. With about 100 calories per hour in basic metabolism, that lands me on the 800 extra. I think the watch exaggerates a bit, but that’s OK, I doubt I can put in 800 extra calories in a day even if I try.
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Weight loss with migraine!
Posted by Itlandm on June 9, 2012
Well, yesterday’s migraine was good for something: My weight actually crept below 84 kg this morning. That is rare. I am losing weight quite slowly and irregularly, barely noticeable over the random fluctuations in water weight. Eat a little more salt, and the body retains more water, and the weight seems to go up. So it is changing very slowly. The thinner I get, the hungrier I get too, but losing weight so slowly I hope will not trigger the kind of extreme hunger I had in 2005 only slightly below this weight. But yeah, I’m wearing trousers I have not been able to wear since that year, and before that … 1985 perhaps? No, I don’t throw away clothes if they are whole, thanks for asking. I know that my weight may fluctuate for whatever reason if I live long enough. I keep all my clothes from my heaviest years as well, although it is now over 7 years ago.
Exercised for about an hour. I moved slightly faster than I have done before, since my pulse was low and returned very quickly to low again when I slowed down. It seems it was mostly oxygen-driven today, which means my muscles and liver have taken the opportunity to stock up during my day off. Migraine might shave a little weight off, but it does not stop the muscles from recharging, it seems. Your migraine may vary – I hear some people take days to regain full strength.
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