Slice of Chaotic Life

The daily life of a celibate middle-aged man.

Archive for the ‘Ingress’ Category

Ingress journal: Too much help…

Posted by Itlandm on July 24, 2013

So today this visiting Resistance Agent took out two of our portals which had a heap of links, and which incidentally belonged to other Enlightenment agents (Fullmakt, more exactly, from when he retook the city earlier this summer a few hours after it went blue). Again he left only one or two resonators so I could easily retake them and set up fields again. It is hard to imagine that he is not intentionally helping me advance. Which is nice of him, but…

My body is telling me that it would really appreciate a day of not traipsing around for an hour or more on hard pavement and being baked in the sun.  I am stiff and sore in many places and some of my fingertips tingle much of the time. (Although I suppose the last part could come from something else.)

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Ingress journal: Scratching them to deah

Posted by Itlandm on July 23, 2013

I took back the portal the joker from the Resistance took yesterday. (His nickname really means something like the joker, or the funny guy.) One of them was easy, since there were only two low-level resonators. The other two were worse, even though one of them was not fully outfitted either. The problem with these were that they were close together, so when I attacked one, I attacked the other as well, and they both zapped me. As a result, I had to take several walks to other portals in the area to recharge my XM, which was drained by the attacks.

The poor guy must have been spammed for an hour and half off and on by messages about me attacking his portals. He did nothing to defend them though, it seems. It would not have been that hard to do. Perhaps he will take them down again at some later time. That seems like a pointless thing to do, since I get to level up fairly quickly by this exchange, and he not at all. But who knows what people think.

Anyway, after about an hour and a half, I had rebuilt the portals and fields. But there is still quite a performance gap between a level 8 and a level 5, evidently. If I had not been allow to scratch the portals to death, he could have kept them for a very long time.  Of course, even hacking them gives Action Points, to you cannot really hold the opposition down if they have the home turf.

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Ingress journal: Yet another invader

Posted by Itlandm on July 22, 2013

This afternoon, I started getting mail from Niantic about some of my links being destroyed. I checked the corresponding portals, and a level 8 Resistance agent had taken them over. Because he stuck to portals where I did not have resonators or shields, I did not get an alarm when he attacked them. That way he had all the time he needed to tear them down using the ambient XM, which is very high in Kristiansand, rather than having to duel me with power cubes.  That is not to say he won’t try that later.

In any case, it is a futile project as long as I am alive and healthy. So far, every incursion by the Resistance has only made me stronger. I was just complaining to my fellow agents about reaching the limit of 2000 items. Well, a lot of those items are XMP bursters, which are used to weaken and destroy opponent resonators. Since I get new stuff almost every time I hack a portal, I need to get rid of some of those anyway… ^_^

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Ingress journal: Finally level 5!

Posted by Itlandm on July 21, 2013

With a little (unintentional?) help from our Resistance visitor, I got almost to level 5 yesterday. Today I completed it. I spent two and a half hour traipsing around in Kristiansand in the late afternoon when the ultraviolet rays can’t get to me, hacking and recharging every portal except one, and setting up a couple new links, creating a new field that covered even more of the city than before the bluebird flew through.

Someone threw a few bursters at my two portals by the railway station. There were no other attacks, and they were not sustained when I remote recharged, so I would assume it was someone traveling through with train. Trains between Stavanger and Oslo make a stop in Kristiansand. The railway does not go through the city, instead the trains drive into the station and change direction, turning the seats. This takes a while, along with passengers boarding and unboarding, and this fits with the timing of the attacks. So probably a “drive by” attack. Those are the best. More AP for recharging, no lasting damage.

Almost certainly this was a new player, since he did not have enough firepower to destroy any of the resonators and tried anyway. If you attack a portal without destroying any resonators, you get no points for it, while the defender gets points when recharging it. In fact, even if you do manage to take down some of the resonators but not all, the defender gets more AP for replacing them than you got for destroying them. This is why I think it was a newbie attack.

Anyway, with the two and a half hours of continuous movement, plus several shorter trips in Mandal before, my feet had enough. I was also quite hungry. I must have left a trail of dead calories all over the town. ^_^

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Ingress journal: “Useful idiots”

Posted by Itlandm on July 20, 2013

The Resistance agent had succeeded in capturing my best portal and making it his own, but things probably did not go as he had planned. Early next morning, an Enlightened agent operating on his own took opportunity of the “missing link” to connect Flekkefjord to Lillehammer to Karlstad in Sweden. That was something that was very visible on a map of Scandinavia, and could not have been done if not for our useful but misguided visitor from the Resistance. Thank you!

On a more personal note, I not only got 10 Action Points for every time I recharged that portal trying to defend it; I also got points for each resonator I destroyed as I tore it down, then even more for each resonator when I rebuilt it in its original color. Of course, he also got AP when he grabbed it, but 8 is the highest level and has been since the beginning. From level 8 upward, you don’t really get any reward for your actions besides whatever you planned to use them for. At this point you are supposed to be a master of Ingress and work to further the goals of your faction, not for your personal growth, as it were.

Thanks to this fellow, I got a week’s worth of action points in a day, and came very close to level 5. I should be there tomorrow.

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Ingress Journal: Night attack

Posted by Itlandm on July 19, 2013

It was around 23 in the night when my scanner alarm went off. I took it at once, although lately it has always been messages from fellow agents of the Enlightenment. This time, however, someone was attacking my job portal, where I had the rare multi-hack as well as a few links. I suspected the reason was the link to it from Bergen, which basically cut a slice off the country. You cannot make links that cut through another link, so anyone in south-western Norway was barred from making large links or fields going outside that area.

It soon became clear that this was not a drive-by attack. The Resistance agent continued relentlessly after we both had used a good deal more XM than a scanner can hold, meaning we were both using from our precious storage of power cubes. I had not needed those for a long time and had a decent stack, considering how rare they are, and I was ready to spend them all. But I did not get the chance. It was painfully clear that my portal was dwindling rapidly while I recharged my scanner from power cubes. This meant the attacker had much larger powercubes than I, meaning again that he was much higher level. This was indeed the case. When he had razed my shields and resonators, he put up his own resonators, which went all the way to level 8. I was still level 4, so there was a despairingly large difference. I would have to reload twice as often as he, not counting that he started with 4000 more XM than me in the first place. That explained it. (There was also a 2% energy loss due the distance from Mandal to Kristiansand, but that was far less important than the level difference.)

I have fended off attacks before when the opponent was not willing to spend power cubes. That is a major step to take, these things don’t grow on trees. He also did not move on to other portals downtown, so it seems he was after this one specifically, probably because of that link from Bergen.

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Ingress journal: Almost a little cheating

Posted by Itlandm on July 17, 2013

Normally there are Agents of both the Enlightenment and the Resistance in a city, so they will take turns trying to tear down each other’s resonators and put their own in place. You get AP – action points – for placing resonators, and a bit fewer for removing the competitor’s resonators. You get a bonus for completing a portal by placing the 8th resonator on it.

Since I live and work where there are rarely any Resistance agents, a more experienced Agent recommended that I let one of the resonators decays and then when it is gone, replace it. That way I get the resonator AP and the bonus for completing a portal. I tried this now in Mandal, and it works as advertised. The downside of this is that your portal becomes weaker to opponent attack, but this has so far not been a problem in Mandal. Kristiansand has had some visits from the Resistance, though. One of the Enlightenment agents recommended I decay 1 resonator on each of the portals here that have none of my equipment, so I can put a resonator of my own on them. The purpose of this is to get direct alarm in case of an attack, rather than the portal owner having to message me, which could waste precious seconds for us both.

One thing I discovered by the almost-cheating was that it was possible to recharge one resonator at a time (out of eight). I now recharge each resonator individually even if I recharge them all, except with remote charging where this option is not available. The downside is that it takes more XM to recharge individually, even if you recharge the same amount. The upside is that you get 10 AP for a recharge, whether it is of 1 resonator or 8. (It takes more recharges to fill up an entire portal, but not as many as when recharging individually. Perhaps half as many.) Anyway, I do this, but it is only 10 AP. Just hacking an opponent portal, without destroying anything, gives 100 AP for each time, ten times as much. So it is a very slow way to progress. Although if you let one resonator decay each day, and complete the portal again each day, you can get a more decent amount: 125 for placing a resonator, and 250 for completing the portal, 375 in total.

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Ingress journal: Maintenance

Posted by Itlandm on July 16, 2013

Each evening, I think: “I could go harvest the two nearest portals, it is less than 15 minutes, but my feet/legs are so sore/stiff, it just isn’t worth it.” And each morning I wake up and my feet and legs feel perfectly OK. I am getting sleepy by midnight, sometimes even an hour before midnight, which probably means my body is aiming for at least 1 cycle of delta sleep, which releases regenerating hormones. (Well, the precursor hormone to Human Growth Hormone, technically, but it sets rolling the snowball of cellular growth throughout the body so it is nice to have. Young people make this several times a night, but at my age it is common to have only 1 or at best 2 sessions of delta sleep each night, in the beginning of the night.) I am only joking when I say that it is the XM from the portals that does this to my body. Science would say it is the exercise.

Like the body, portals also needs a refill from time to time, or they will decay. Well, the resonators will decay; the portal continues to exist but will revert to gray (neutral). Each resonator fades by 15 percentage points per day. That’s 90% in 6 days, so on the 7th day they revert to neutral unless you renew them. Of course, if there is a competitor, they can take it over before it goes that far, and they have an easier job the less energy there is.

To renew portals that I don’t have time to visit, such as those in Grimstad or Vigeland, I can recharge them at a distance. But some of the effect is lost over the distance. For instance, Grimstad is 40 km from Kristiansand, and the efficiency is 98%, so 2% is lost.  Mandal is 34 km from Kristiansand, so it is not smart to recharge Mandal portals from Kristiansand when I am coming back there later in the day anyway. Also the portals in Vigeland are much closer when I am in Mandal. So tactical charging is an issue.

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Ingress journal: Submit to the Super-Ops!

Posted by Itlandm on July 15, 2013

Met with agent @B3ll3rophon near my work portal, which he has upgraded. We exchanged keys, as is good and proper when an agent is passing through. I got one for the airport, which I don’t normally frequent, as well as another heat sink. Heat sinks are good for portals that rarely change hands and are a bit out of the way, so you want to stay and harvest them repeatedly before moving on to the next. They can also be combined with multi-hack for “farms” where you get as many items as possible in the shortest time possible.

I gave him 9 or 10 keys to my work portal. Since it has a rare multi-hack, I get new keys pretty much every day, sometimes more. The keys will be distributed to cities with a strong Enlightened faction, so they can block attempts to create large-scale fields by the Resistance. Even should the Resistance take over this portal, I should be able to get it back the next day, at least unless they recruit an agent in the same or a nearby building. ^_^ That is how we think, but of course nobody knows what the future brings.

The agent also pointed out a nearby potential portal, which I submitted at once to the Super-Ops for review. (That’s the folks at Niantic that decide where new portals will appear.) Later in the day, just before I took the commute bus home, I submitted a portal I found by myself. It happens too! ^_^

I came home and the sky clouded over, so I could keep harvesting the two nearest portals until my feet hurt, without getting a sunburn as well. So all in all it was a good day.

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Ingress journal: The daystar burns us!

Posted by Itlandm on July 14, 2013

Buses from Mandal to Kristiansand are scarce on Sundays, and not least in the morning. I was not in the city until after 11:30. This still gave me time to visit almost every portal downtown, hack them at least once each and recharge their resonators individually for more AP. Agent @B3ll3rophon recommends I let 1 resonator decay on each of the portals so that I can replace it with one of my own. That way I will be alerted instantly of any attacks, same as with my own portals.

Over the course of the morning and early day, enough sunshine still managed to sift through the thin cloud cover that the land began to warm up, and this broke up the clouds. Around 2 PM the sunshine was too intense for my skin to keep up without sunblock, and I returned with the 2:15 bus. Of course, two and a half hours of hurrying around town is a decent work-out in its own right. Lately I start getting sleepy before midnight, or even at 11 PM, and I suspect this is because my body needs the delta-sleep to regenerate my body from the micro-tear-and-wear of rapid walking and the ionizing ultraviolet light of this planet’s star.

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