Posted by Itlandm on September 8, 2012
It is 1 PM. I spent an hour walking (with a little jogging) to kindle my inner fire, as it were: To heat my body from within. The theory is, as I mentioned yesterday, that heat seems to be the one thing that can hold my darkening (fat poisoning) at bay. So far, so good: I sure got warm. The question now is: Do I have to keep doing this for the rest of the day, or is it enough to do it once to cut off the attack while it is building up? I guess we are going to find out today. 10 chocolate pieces is definitely above my normal threshold.
2 PM. It is around 24 hours since the chocolates. I am a bit sore and stiff, but I did consider doing another hour of light to moderate exercise. That would definitely burn away more than the chocolates, if I haven’t done that already. But I am not sure that is what counts.
4 PM: Had dinner and a nap. So far, so good!
5:30 PM: Took a half-hour walk/jog. Was thinking of another hour, but I was sweating after half an hour, and my knee was hurting a little before I even started. Hopefully this should be enough. If 90 minutes of light to moderate exercise is enough to counter an extra handful of chocolate, I may start eating more chocolate. It is totally worth it. ^_^
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