Now that I know the way, and the weather was favorable (slightly cloudy and a light breeze) I made it to Gimle high school in less than 20 minutes, but that was a very brisk walk. Once again I dumped all of the 6000 XM from my little level 4 scanner into the resonators, and all the XM surrounding them when I arrived. I hacked them approximately every 5 minutes, which is the cooldown without a heat sink mod. My Galaxy Tab 7.7 decided at one point to not receive mobile data, and I had to temporarily set up my mobile phone as an access point.
By the end of the 4th hack for each, I still had no portal key. Not a one. I have hacked each of them 8 times over these two days, and not got 1 portal key. You would definitely expect a portal key after 16 hacks, but it is as if they know I need that portal key to not have come visit them.
The XM around the portal regenerated before I left, so I dumped that into them as well. With this they should be able to survive today and tomorrow and last until Saturday. I had hoped that I could remote recharge them so I could go to Grimstad on Saturday and capture the 10 or so portals there that have been gray for a week. Now I’m facing the possibility of having to choose bebutween the two high-level portals at Gimle or 10 low-level portals in Grimstad. (Going to Grimstad means an hour bus ride each way, and the typically Norwegian expensive bus fare, so it is a very real choice – if I even have the health to do either of them at the time. If not, the Gimle portals will decay, first to a lower level and eventually to gray if I can’t get to them in a few days.