Ingress journal: The daystar burns us!
Posted by Itlandm on July 14, 2013
Buses from Mandal to Kristiansand are scarce on Sundays, and not least in the morning. I was not in the city until after 11:30. This still gave me time to visit almost every portal downtown, hack them at least once each and recharge their resonators individually for more AP. Agent @B3ll3rophon recommends I let 1 resonator decay on each of the portals so that I can replace it with one of my own. That way I will be alerted instantly of any attacks, same as with my own portals.
Over the course of the morning and early day, enough sunshine still managed to sift through the thin cloud cover that the land began to warm up, and this broke up the clouds. Around 2 PM the sunshine was too intense for my skin to keep up without sunblock, and I returned with the 2:15 bus. Of course, two and a half hours of hurrying around town is a decent work-out in its own right. Lately I start getting sleepy before midnight, or even at 11 PM, and I suspect this is because my body needs the delta-sleep to regenerate my body from the micro-tear-and-wear of rapid walking and the ionizing ultraviolet light of this planet’s star.
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