A rude awakening
Posted by Itlandm on February 11, 2013
I woke up after a couple hours of sleep because my throat felt full of thick goo. I got up and spent about half an hour clearing my throat and swallowing. Then back to bed. After two more hours of sleep, I woke up because it was hard to breathe. (I actually dreamed that I was walking uphill and had to take a pause.) I got up and it was still hard to breathe. It did not feel like an asthma attack (they have a special feeling to them and make a wheezing, fluting sound when I breathe out. Besides, I have them after vigorous exercise. This dream did not qualify.) It felt more like my lungs were half full with goo, presumably the same goo that was in my nose and throat. I did use my asthma inhaler just in case it might help, but I can’t say it did.
However, just staying up and breathing through my nose seems to help. Half-thick clear mucus keeps coming up; I mostly just swallow it. I am not sure why goo is accumulating in my lungs when I sleep. I suspect it is because I breathe through my mouth (my nose is not completely clogged but partly, and my throat is super dry whenever I wake up this past week so clearly I have been breathing through my mouth).
My digestion has gone crazy too this morning, not sure whether this is connected though. My stomach just hurts a little, intestines are hyperactive. Well, I was not eager to go to work anyway. I can forget that commute now, so that was convenient. (Also, it is snowing pretty densely, which means there is a fairly high risk of foreign truck drivers getting stuck on the slopes and blocking the traffic for hours. And in-province buses don’t have toilets, so.)
Anyway, I seem to be able to breathe as long as I don’t sleep. This is not a permanent solution. I did a 40-minute delta brainwave entrainment this morning. Fell asleep about halfway through. Not long enough to drown, not nearly, but my lungs did at least not feel better afterwards. I was less desperately sleepy though, so I will try to do this repeatedly through the day and see what happens. Unless things continue to develop, one way or another. I am getting a bit queasy as I write, so it seems likely that something is going to change.
Edit to add: 12 hours later, I feel much better. I had two more 40 minute delta brainwave entrainment, which helped considerably on my tiredness and possibly general health. But I probably need several more throughout the evening if I don’t want to risk my life by sleeping a full night. Well, that sounds overly dramatic, but then it does feel overly dramatic to wake up and only be able to breathe halfway. And that was with only a few hours sleep.
EDIT 2: It is soon midnight again. I have taken nose drops that should keep me able to breathe through the nose for a few hours, if that is the trigger. I have set a 2-hour timer on my smartphone, hoping to wake up then and evaluate my lung status. But I am still nervous. Well, more like shaky.
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