Will the real pulse please report?
Posted by Itlandm on October 15, 2012
I measured my pulse at work today, and it was below 60. That is excellent. In fact, it is lower than the resting pulse of ordinary men. I used to worry about it being too low (bradycardia) until I had my heart checked at a specialist lab in May and was basically told I could participate in top athletics if I just took my asthma medicine. I have avoided that, though, as bodies have a tendency to get used to drugs and stop working correctly without them. I would rather not depend on a chemical for breathing if I can avoid it.
Back to today, as I came home from work eager to exercise. But by now my pulse was up to +10 over what it used to be for the last months. (120-125 instead of 110-115 when walking quickly. Normally I have to jog every couple minutes to stay in that zone.) This is like it was during the 14 days of Mysterious Illness. Was the day of normal pulse just a fluke? Why did it seem OK at work but not in the afternoon? I don’t understand it. And I can’t think of any infection that would behave like that. It is likely not mental – I was eager to get back to my exercise, but not excited in any way.
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