Vocal cords trouble
Posted by Itlandm on October 2, 2012
Suddenly my vocal cords felt like there was something stuck on them, and I began to clear my throat compulsively. Now my throat is super sore and it still hasn’t quite stopped. This bothers me because occasionally my vocal cords lock up completely for half a minute when I have these attacks, and I cant breathe till they unlock.
I am still alive as of writing this though. I am not sure whether it relates to the infection I wrote about on Sunday. I also wake up each morning with what feels like a head cold, though I suppose it could be dust mite allergy or something, not sure if that plays in. Really, I’m not sure about anything regarding this. I took more phones today than I have done in a long time, there seems to be a correlation between that and getting this condition too. Who knows. Humans see patterns even where there are none. I am still human enough that I might do this too.
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