My weekend
Posted by Itlandm on August 20, 2012
On Saturday, when I put on the pulse watch to exercise, I found my pulse was 15-20 points above the usual. This is a sure sign I am brewing on an infection, when I have not exercised really hard or in a new way the day before (that gives the higher pulse as well). I was not super surprised, because I have cut corners on sleep the last week (without compensating enough with brainwave entrainment). So I took only half an hour’s walk that day, and nothing on Sunday. On Sunday, I had a slight temperature, not quite a fever but higher than normal.
Night to Monday, at 4 AM, I woke from pain in both my upper jaws, and a feeling of swelling and pressure, most strongly on the left. By the time I got to work around 9 AM, the pain in the right side was gone, but the left was still so bad I planned to go to the clinic and get some antibiotic. I did delay it though, and the pain lessened throughout the day. By now there is just a faint tenderness, and soreness in the gums. Today my pulse is back to super low again. I walked and jogged for about 40 minutes, but had to stop as one foot was about to blister. I could probably have kept going if not – so much time without exercise means my battery was fully charged. So evidently a couple days of infection does not stop glycogen from building up in the muscles. It is probably a completely separate process from the immune system thing.
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