No stresstest today!
Posted by Itlandm on April 26, 2012
Was a bit of a misunderstanding – the stress test of my heart is on May 2nd, when I have the appointment with the actual cardiologist. This is probably for the best, although nurses here in Norway has a similar amount of education as an engineer. They earn about the same too, but only if they work nights or weekends.
Be that as it may, today was uneventful. Thank the Light for that. I am adding a small amount of fiber in my diet, will see how that goes. Also walked for almost an hour. Did not want to tire myself out while my body is still finishing off (I hope!) the infection. And especially with the poor sleep of last night, when the blood pressure measuring device squeezed my arm really hard once an hour. I am not used to being squeezed in my sleep, obviously! ^_^
The place where the pressure device pressed against my skin for a day and a night are itching like mad still, but the red stripes have gone down. And in perspective, that was a pretty small thing.
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