Failed experiment
Posted by Itlandm on April 29, 2012
I have a circuit that I can walk energetically and it takes just over half an hour. So I decided to follow up on the previous two days of experimenting by walking one round, drinking a glass of Pepsi, walking another round and so on until I got tired anyway. That way I would find out how much of the tiredness came from lack of sugar, if that is what does it. Actually it could be the water, or the tiny amount of caffeine, or even the short break. But anyway, I would find out how far I could walk on Pepsi.
This did not come to pass. When I stopped by after the first half hour, my digestion was too upset to drink Pepsi. And after ten minutes of the second round, my pulse approached 130 instead of 120, so I stopped and went home.
Perhaps it is the water after all. I still absorb only part of the liquid I ingest, to put it delicately. It is enough for daily life, work and even moderate exercise. I am not getting dehydrated (dried out) like you can get from cholera, dysentery and many other diseases that settle in the digestive tract. So I have mostly stopped whining, but that does not mean I am getting better. It is still the same as when I was still taking the clindamycine. I could probably live out the rest of my natural lifespan on yogurt and probiotic milk drink, and a little salt and vitamins. Not the most exciting diet, but it is alright. And realistically I don’t think this will last all that long. But for now, I better show respect for my digestion.
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