Coded green.
Pic of the day: Actually, this book ( Rulers of the Darkness by Harry Turtledove), even though thick enough, did not have any pages I would skip. Illustration purpose only. Like pages glued togetherThere are some days like this. It is like you are reading a book and then you just skip past a pair of pages without really noticing, because the previous reader was eating strawberry jam and turning the pages at the same time, so page 618 and 619 got stuck together, and by then you had read so much that you did not really notice ... This was one such day, where I am not really sure whether it makes a difference whether I was awake or slept through it. The pain in my guts were unusually moderate. Tomorrow they will be worse than usual ... I know this because I am writing this tomorrow. I did not even write my journal today. ***After work, I mostly played Master of Magic. I cannot remember last time my MoM fad lasted this long; then again, when it started I hadn't played in a year or more. This time all my opponents were male, so there was very little danger of a system crash. (This does not reflect on my view of gender roles in general, there is a bug in the game – at least on my machine – where one of the female AI wizards seems to crash the game. I believe it may be Ariel, but I am not sure.) I enjoyed having time to build my empire with minimal conflict with the imaginary players. Yeah, it is just a game. But "it felt meaningful at the time" (to quote Radar the Hound Supreme, when he was called upon to explain the sudden emergence of several hundred flying puppies over Omegapolis). Fun differs, but when you're having it you tend to want to continue having it. I guess that's life. Certainly I want to continue to have mine. I also downloaded Opera 7.20 which is basically a faster version of Opera 7, and with a new option of context sensitive text advertising for those who prefer to pay through advertising rather than buying the program. I've bought mine; then again I can afford it and I don't mind supporting an alternative to the bloatware twins in the browser market. (Plus, Opera and I are both Norwegian. *waves flag*) To my delight, I also discovered that the fast-forward function recognized "next comic" as a forward tab, so I can race through the Ban the Basics archives by repeatedly pressing Ctrl-Right. It certainly beats scrolling down for every single page so I can see the "next comic" button. Yay Keenspace+Opera. (The comic even mentions Opera fairly early in the archives.) I wish they had classes for overly bookish children when I grew up. Or so I thought, until I remembered that I skipped the voluntary bookish classes to spend those hours making shoddy jewelry in the basement materials lab with the few dyslectics for company. ***Well, I guess that was plenty for such a forgettable day. I probably won't write much tomorrow either ... even if my appendix doesn't rupture, I am more likely to be working on the new Sim comic that has landed on my brain. But that is neither here nor now. Very few things are. |
There was weather, but I forgot what. |
Visit the Diary Farm for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.