Coded green.
Pic of the day: Phony people. 4 girls, 2 boys, 1 microwave. From my newest Sims project, "Chaos College". But that's not all, luckily. Phony people daySo how was my day? It was great, my best friend called and we discussed politics. I hadn't heard from her in a long time – she doesn't have a phone line anymore so she is rarely on the Internet. She uses her mobile phone for talking, but not for Net access. It was as usual good to hear from her, even if we spent much of the time discussing the need for slashing the bloated public sector here in Norway ... and of course her upcoming exams. I think talking about them is easier than studying for them. Studying sucks. ^_^ Speaking of telephone things, yesterday I got a letter from Telenor confirming the ADSL that I was supposed to have gotten on the 14th. The phone line will be switched to ADSL on October 2nd. In a separate package I got a small black gadget that I can plug into my USB port, and install some drivers, and it will be my network card. No need to open up the machine, no need to have one for each machine either. (I still expect to get back the other machine, though I'm really getting to like this one.) Hmm, I am sure there are gadgets I could install so that I could have both computers on the same ADSL line. I have heard about this. It would be quite practical to be able to bring up online maps while I continue playing Dark Age of Camelot. OK, that's a really lousy excuse for throwing money like that. It's more because it would be really really cool. It's like the male equivalent of wearing silver ear rings. Perhaps even gold – it's probably not cheap. ***In less phony matters, I've watched "Walking with dinosaurs" this weekend. I saw the last episode last night. It's originally a TV series from BBC, but I bought it on CD. I do have a slight interest in dinosaurs, even though I am more fascinated by the big amphibians that lived before them. There was one of them too in the next to last episode, but I'd like to see a lot more of those. Giant amphibians are way cool. The impulse to buy it came from seeing it in the store, but also from throwaway references to dinosaurs in Tsaiko's journal, Dance of the Hours. I like Tsaiko, in a not very hot and bothered way. She is a cool dudette. Not as smart as my best friend perhaps, but Tsaiko's smarts are running all over the place just like my own smarts, not domesticated into earning money and making friends. Smarts are born to be wild, in my opinion. "Tsaiko, I love you and I want to carry your geology books." (Obscure reference to the artificial intelligence of On only the most vaguely related note (college girls feature prominently in both cases), I've been playing The Sims and harvesting screen shots for a possible new illustrated funny story. I have not yet decided whether to attempt a comic type format (I gave up on one such attempt, but it was only partly because it was so much work. The most important factor was probably that it was based off real people, including me, even though they developed into something else than their real life personae. While this seems to work for some comics (like Zeek 2.0, I felt uncomfortable with it. This one is far more removed from reality already at the outset. Chaos College describes the life of 1 house, 3 bedrooms, and 6 young students: 2 boys, 4 girls and 2 twins. (The twins also double as girls.) They all have different and realistic personalities. Of course, what is realistic for me may be absurd for others ... Frankly, I don't feel that the game is up to illustrating the actual college, but their free time is the most interesting anyway. College is just a place to sleep. Speaking of which ... time to curl up. |
Umm, sun I think. Yes, at least some. |
Visit the Diary Farm for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.