Coded green.

Thursday 6 September 2001

Child in grass

Pic of the day: I rarely print pictures of friends or family, but I think it is safe to make an exception here. Not very identifiable! This is how it looks when you decide to cut the lawn with a knife.

Active kid

Well, it is certainly a change of pace. The oldest of the boys on the farm (just started school) seems convinced that I am here for his sake, and has tried to find things for me to do all the time. Luckily, a cousin came by and entertained the two boys so I got off the hook.

Speaking of which ... The boy wanted to fish, and we digged up a few earthworms and went off. After a while, we got the biggest I've ever seen ... the biggest tangle, that is. I spent about an hour and it's only half untangled yet. Such ended that adventure. That's rather typical of the day actually. Our latest project was to mow the garden. With a knife. That's when I gave up.

This is a good thing, since I didn't feel too well at the time. Off and on during the afternoon, I've had pain in my right side. I have of course worried that it might be the appendix. But the pain only comes and goes rather randomly.

To top it all off, now my back hurts too. Oh woe is me. OK, perhaps that's a bit over the top. But I sure am glad I don't have children myself. It may be a sad thing for the world, but it sure is a good thing for me.

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