Monday 18 October 1999

Just me

Pic of the day: Me, somewhat tired, back from town after midnight.


It is soon one in the night, I am recently back from town where I said goodbye to my best friend. As promised yesterday, we toured the mall. We bought for her a pair of dark slightly stretchy jeans, not fully black but a dark dark grey with a shade of violet or brown (color not visible in lamplight). A not quite as dark but still dark grey skirt reaching approximately to the knees. It fit her amazingly well. You know how you've heard about the Great Pyramid, how the stones are fit so well together that you can't get a post card between them? Anyway, we also bought black longs[*], I think they are called, must be used with skirts. And some more stuff also recommended for civilized living. There were a few cardigans, jerseys, sweaters, tops ... I'm no good at describing this in English, but essentially various degrees of clothes to have on the upper body, from T-shirts upwards to a fairly thick dark sweater. All of it beautiful, and all of it in various shades of grey, from almost white to almost dark.

Much of the stuff was reasonably priced, the gloves were ridiculously cheap, and nothing was scarily expensive. I would not have regretted buying this for my next best friend. But I did not. I bought it for my best friend, whom I love like myself. Give or take a little. I explained her that this was no worse than buying stuff for myself: It is written, love your neighbor as if yourself, and with some few people I do that.

Actually, it is quite possible that I love her more than myself. It seems natural for me to think that she should have the best and I the next to best. On the other hand, I wouldn't bet that I would die for her. I love life dearly and have really never been in such a situation, so it is hard to predict.


While hopefully not quite that dramatic, I can report that I now hurt along the left side of my tongue and the left side of my throat and a little towards my ear. There is occasionally a slight headache on my left side, too, such as now.

I'd love to tell you more about my day, but I am too tired to stay conscious.


Addendum: The title of this entry ("Extra-Marital Shopping") is an in-joke. Don't despair if you don't get it. No, I've never been married, and neither has she.

[*]: Yes, Sharon, I think they may be "tights". Thanks. (*bark self*) I should have recognized them from Daggerfall. For some reason, they look slightly different in real life...

Repeating song of the day: "Girls just want to have fun".

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