Coded green.
Pic of the day: Screenshot from Sims 2 movie, "New Generation". Excuses againI have been writing on a very political entry. Even had I finished it (which I haven't), I would probably not have uploaded it without sleeping on its first. On the bright side, I have rediscovered the handwriting recognition on my pocket PC. I had forgotten how to write a few of the letters, but this time I discovered that there was online help for the handwriting input. I write more slowly in longhand than by pecking on the micro QUERTY keyboard on the screen, but it is a nice variation. And variation is not only the spice of life, it is also the life of my wrist... Two more days and then novel writing month begins! It grows slowly more unreal as it approaches. I wonder how long I will stick with it this year? I am already wondering whether I should have stuck with the paladins instead... At least it is a good thing the Sims 2 isn't out yet! It seems to be very engrossing, probably even more so than the original. Not only are the graphics much more detailed; it also seems to be many new actions and interactions. In the demo movie from the official web site you see children climbing on unlikely pieces of furniture, including a ceiling fan while it is rotating! And not only toddlers: A teenager can also do this. Not very realistic at Earth gravity, but a pretty funny sight. I still think the women should have more hips and stuff, though. In its current form, this game is not going to help the many anorexic girls out there. In all the screenshots and movies I have seen from the game, teen girls are uniformly skinny; and the adults are not exactly chubby either. Well, enough. Sleepy time. |
Rain. |
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