[Part 1: The gathering]
Chapter 1: A tragic mistake
Chapter 2: Escape sequence
Chapter 3: The mage
Chapter 4: Cosmic trading card
Chapter 5: Legend of the Dead God
Chapter 6: Men's talk
Chapter 7: The feast
Chapter 8: Kitten of Absolute Destruction [Part 2]
Chapter 9: To the End of Tyme
Chapter 10: Sands of Tyme
Chapter 11: Battle of the bones
Chapter 12: Two boys, one shirt
Chapter 13: Things get hairy
Chapter 14: The Lion & Porcupine Copyright 2002 by Magnus Itland according to Norwegian law and international treaties. This is a work of fiction. Unauthorized copying, broadcasting, translation or public performance would be kinda flattering but is not really legal. And you may definitely not make changed versions of this document for defamatory or other nefarious purposes! |