Coded green.

Monday 10 November 2003

Screenshot Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien

Pic of the day: At least the picture is nice. From inspirational anime Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien. (My characters don't look this cute.)

Finally a shitty entry

I think I have a quite good excuse for writing a short entry today. I was at work until almost 22 (10 p.m.). Due to my agreement with my employer not to go into detail about my work, I cannot tell you anything specific about that. But as I have said before, I work with computers. I did today too.

To further add to the enjoyment of the day, I developed a nice case of diarrhea early in the afternoon. I had eaten a burger for lunch, but the time interval was way too short for that to be a reason. It could actually be the other way around. After lunch I bought a bottle of Pepsi. That alone should have made me suspicious. When I start to crave cola specifically, it is usually a sign that my bowels are growing mightily irritated. And if I want pure water, it could be even worse: That is often a sign of stomach problems for me. Your experience may vary, and indeed I hope so. But I have also noticed that hot dogs are often followed by intestinal trouble. I have always considered this to be the hot dog's fault. But it could simply be that unusual appetites are caused by unusual signals from the digestive tract.

Anyway, the Big Tasty hamburger was quite a pleasant experience, as was the cola and the pieces of chocolate that I had for dessert. The diarrhea was not. So I guess overall my food related experiences of the day kinda cancel out.

Perhaps needless to say, there was very little novel writing this day. But I have started on the next chapter, and I intend to continue if I can avoid a throat infection. My throat is already a bit sore. Remember, until the beginning of November I rarely talked at all.

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: A Norwegian in King Arthur's Court
Two years ago: Random news
Three years ago: Mad scientist
Four years ago: Good Guys vs Good Guys
Five years ago: Daggerfall nudity vs Christianity

Visit the Diary Farm for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.

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