Pic of the day: Yet another spring picture. This one is taken in a shadowy valley where spring is a few days later. I really like the light and shadow in this picture. And the brightest blue of the sky reminds me of someone's eyes, though the limited palette does not quite capture it. It does make me remember, though.
Spent much of my day at work feeding data into my PC, trying to get organized a flood of sheets, scraps and post-it notes from my coworkers. This does it. I intend to make a form that they'll fill out. That way I'll get the necessary information and in an archivable format. My wrists still hurt, and all the punching keys at work won't help.
Speaking of work, they're sending me to Oslo the 11th. The guy who
organizes our computer stuff at province level couldn't go, so they
asked me to step in. It's in connection with the new computers,
networks and programs that we'll hopefully have this autumn.
I'm not keen on going to Oslo now; I would have been in April. :)
It's only for a day meeting, so I'll presumably take the night train
in. The meeting doesn't start till 10:30, so it will probably be late.
Wish I knew how late, so I could get a seat reservation on the right
train back home.
I love travelling by train, as I'm sure I've mentioned before. And if I ride the sleeping car, I'll get to show off my newest boxer shorts too. (I know that in some countries, people sleep fully clothed when travelling. That's not so common here, especially not if you're gonna wear those clothes in the morning.) I'm not serious about the showing off boxers thing, actually. I may be strange, but not all the time. Rather I'm referring to the fact that I'm the type of people who curl up when sleeping, and am as likely as not to wake up in the morning with my rear end outside the bedcovers. Not least with the skimpy covering that's common on trains, ships and cheap hotels. Also I tend to sleep more heavily in the morning, giving the early bird fellow travellers plenty of time to make their own opinions on the view. I guess if I'd been more bisexual I would have enjoyed this more. I'm afraid I'd been taking the sleepy wagon a lot more often if it had been mixed-gender (as it would have been if the original gender equality law had been enacted). I'm also pretty sure I would have gotten less sleep...
Oh well, there's always the 24 hrs webcams. Jenni of Jennicam fame used to have approximately the same sleeping positions as me. I'm not sure if she still does, but it did make me feel slightly better. I mean, she's like famous and stuff. She'll speak on TV and be quoted by CNN and things like that. Of course, she also has a much larger collection of pajamases than I, not to mention the night gowns. (Well, truth to tell, I don't have a night gown at all, but you get the point.)
I've noticed that other web journals tend to have a headline for each day. I wanted to do that too, but it seems my rapid topic drift stops that. It's hard to find common ground between post-it notes and famous American night gowns.