Coded green.

Thursday 13 May 2004

Tree shedding flower petals

Pic of the day: It is that time of the year again, already. The time when pink flower petals gather on the ground like scattered snow. The time that first inspired me to begin to write DarkEyes. Sadly, that's not what I'm trying again today.

Trying again

More exactly, a second chance for the new generation of painkiller drug with unpronounceable name. (I am impressed that my speech recognition software can even spell "unpronounceable"!) I haven't heard of any human who can pronounce two X'es one after another, much less at the end of a word. Perhaps this is not a designer drug after all, but part of a secret scientific exchange with an alien species. Do I even want to know what we gave them in exchange?

(On a related note, let it be known that I have almost filled my 250GB external hard disk with anime. And there's not one single erotic tentacle scene in there. Time to adjust your stereotypes, people! Then again there are not many erotic scenes on my hard disk at all. Well, unless you consider hormone crazed teenagers in swimsuits erotic; somehow, I firmly believe you don't... and even those are few and far between.)

Back on topic: This time I tried 20 mg instead of 50 mg. This worked quite nicely. The painkiller effect was pretty much the same, although it might have lasted longer with the larger quantity. There was no intestinal pain this time; then again, I started preemptive eating of cheese after seven hours...

The weekend is coming, however, so I will not experiment anymore this week. You really don't want to be violently ill on Norwegian binge drinking days. Besides, the need for painkiller is quickly fading when I don't go to work. Next week I'll be working 35%. So the need may be limited even then. Still, it is nice to know that the medication works, just in case.

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: LJ friends
Two years ago: Wacom day
Three years ago: Sinister left-hand work
Four years ago: Windows of opportunity
Five years ago: Ascendancy/ascension

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