Monday 28 June 1999


Pic of the day: What? They dare call me an "architect type"?
(Screenshot is from Master of Magic, city view.)

I used to write this diary for my friends. And for myself, too. My friends are bright people. I am, too. They can read long sentences. And they can understand difficult words. So I did not worry. I wrote the way I thought.

Now I have thought again. I have thought about getting more hits. That means more people who read my page. There are many people on the Internet. Millions of people. Most of them are Americans. In America it is cheap to use Internet. In Europe it costs a lot. And in the rest of the world people are poor. So most are Americans.

I am learning how to write to Americans. I have American software. (That means computer programs.) I buy my programs. I do not steal them. So I get manuals with the programs. Those are books that say how to use the programs. They are for American readers. I have read these books. Now I know how to write for Americans. Can you see that?

But this is the Internet. I must get people to see my page. I have studied that too. To get people to see my page, I must write about SEX. And ASIAN LADIES. I do not know why, but the sites that want many hits have ASIAN GIRLS. TEENAGE GIRLS. The ASIAN TEENAGE GIRLS that I see work at McDonalds. They do not have SEX there when I am there. But they get more chubby the longer they work there. I like that. That means the food is good. And that they do not get sick. I feel safe when I eat at McDonalds.

OK, that's plenty enough of this diary for dummies stuff. The Americans I've met online have mostly been highly literate individuals, who probably resent being patronized just as much as I do. Not least the Asian ladies. I imagine it must be somewhat disconcerting to see your gender and ethnicity being randomly used as moron bait. Especially when you are intelligent, well educated and aiming for a career that demands respect.

I'm not kidding about the Asian girls at McDonalds, though. For some reason there usually are some of them there, even in a country where the East Asian influx has been quite limited, mainly Vietnamese from the days of the not entirely cold war. They tend to integrate well in our society, though my friends at the tax office complain that many Vietnamese show a selective lack of language skills when it comes to tax law. (In my humble opinion, the same may be said about many of the natives here. I remember my own first encounter with the tax return form, and the utter confusion with which I read some of the expressions there.)

Downloaded the latest version of YAMP, version 3.3. It is a fully functional and stylish player of various stuff from wav to mp3. And it is freeeee. Now, I am not a pincher of pennies, far from it; but the hassle and security issues of paying means that shareware is not an ideal option. As far as reasonable, then, I either stick to freeware or buy my stuff in the shop. Hopefully the future will bring easy, secure payment over Internet even between nations, if any.


Took the Keirsey test. Did not like it. It said I was INTP (I+10 N+8 T+1 P+9). It called me an architect.

Blasts from my past:
Back to my June page.

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