Freeday 15 January 1999

rough-edged portrait

I used the new shoes to work today, but not home again. They gnawed too much. I really don't want more sores on my feet right now. I will rather risk getting my feet wet, as it were. Talking of which, it's raining outside. Pouring, more like it, water almost freezing cold. But not quite. I shall not be surprised if the snow is gone before I have the opportunity to photograph it in daylight. Not that I am going to miss it much. I may not be a typical Norwegian, for I find snow mainly a nuisance. Though it does make the day a bit longer with all the reflected light.

Was a long workday today. The disk space problem is solved for now, but we lack one measly file to make the system ready for use. Workers are waiting restlessly. Depending on health and weather, I just might go to town tomorrow to see if the file has arrived. They should send it today, but it was not transferred at 17 when I last checked. Chances are they were just hoping to get it out today. They tend to give the most optimistic scenario possible. Perhaps even some impossible ones.

Thought of the day: After long and careful reflection, I have concluded that the existence or non-existence of reincarnation matters not one bit. The DNA that shapes my body has lived in countless ancestors before me, and even the words I speak were made by persons unknown in the past. My body remembers my ancestors and my mind remembers my teachers. That way, I remember past lives with every breath of my body and every thought of my mind. And perhaps a stray thought of mine will somehow trickle into the future, as part of a greater whole.

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