, Chaos Node: Recent diaries


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Winter landscape

Recent updates

January 31: Another day
January 30: Mars and Windows
January 29: iPAQ 5550
January 28: Dodging computer viruses
January 27: Economic game of chairs
January 26: My computers and I
January 25: Still alive
January 24: Cosprayer
January 23: BitTorrent and firewalls
January 22: Ingrid Alexandra
January 21: Cold days
January 20: Fiction about metals
January 19: Then and now and then
January 18: Fiction about truth
January 17: Sad Desert
January 16: Simple living
January 15: Words of wisdom
January 14: Split in two
January 13: Just say something
January 12: Super-seed
January 11: Civ3: Feudalism is dead
January 10: Haunting the dead
January 9: Magic of Recluce
January 8: Wait or hesitate?
January 7: Health & new journal
January 6: One soul, two Paladins
January 5: Pallybot
January 4: Civ3 Conquests: New goodies
January 3: Forgettable day
January 2: Righteous anger
January 1: Gamey new year!