Saturday 22 January 2000


Pic of the day: "It had snowed...


I woke up early, before the clock radio. I felt like I was ready to get up. Then I thought of Calvin & Hobbes who get up early on Saturday because it's not school, and I decided to not be that way. So I went to sleep again and slept till nearly 10:30 :)

I dream two fairly long dreams. The first is, as usual, the most hazy. I was together with friends which were my friends in the dream but who I don't know in waking life. There was to be a party. Most of the dream my friends were "warming up" to the party by drinking and then drinking some more. They thought it was great fun, but I remained unimpressed. Also I had to get away all the clothes that were strewn everywhere.

The second dream was full of action. I was on Mars, my task was to investigate and eventually destroy the entire human colony on Mars, which was quite a lot. My sidekick was one of my coworkers, the guy who does the computer help stuff when I'm not there or occupied. And the leader for the Mars colony turned out to be Staffman, the third of us guys at administrative staff. He tried to convince me that I was mad when I ordered them all to evacuate because I was going to blow the whole thing up! In reprospect, I agree, it was mad. I would not have done that in real life. Then again, in real life there are no colonies on Mars. (The justification, I think, was that Mars acted as a brain drain, attracting the best and brightest from Earth.)


My stomach is still hurting some of the time. I have eaten small amounts of food (yoghurt, by the teaspoons) but it still seems to offend it. I don't puke or anything. It just hurts and feels very heavy, like I had eaten some sand or something. I still have fat reserves for quite a while, so it is not a problem if I can take in enough water. Water, sadly, has the same effect as food, but it does not come back up so I guess it is okay.

I was on my way to the local grocery today. It had snowed, and I was walking in the rather thin layer of wet snow. When I had come about halfway, I remembered that I was not able to eat and so did not need any groceries. Duh. I turned around and walked back home. At least I got some fresh air, always useful! :)

Less happy am I about the e-mail program. I had written a long reply to a long e-mail from an online friend. (Well, I consider her a friend, Light knows what she thinks about me.) Anyway, instead of sending it, the program ate it. This is the first time I can remember having seen that. I spent like three hours on that mail! Waaaah! I am not very motivated to start again.


Strange but true: I have very rarely been hungry or thirsty. I usually get the water I need from stuff I like: Milk, yoghurt, soda or juice. Only in a few special cases have I felt so thirsty that plain drinking water tasted good. Also I have not ever, as best I know, been weak from hunger. My stomach will start contracting after some hours (depending on what I eat) and that is pretty uncomfortable, so I try to eat somewhat regularly. When I was a kid, I did not even have that kind of warning and could easily go all day without food unless my mother found me and gave me something I liked.

I was a rather finicky eater and would rather not eat at all than eat something that did not taste good. In retrospect I guess I have some genes that lets me easily retain enough blood sugar and triglycerids even after quite a while without food, so I did not get that reward from eating. I guess this also means that I could lose weight fairly easily if I could get my stomach from contracting painfully every time it is empty. But right now I have no idea how. Even in its present condition, it continues to demand more of the food it cannot have. Oh well. No one asked for intelligent stomachs.

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