Pic of the day: "tried to look through my comic book collection ..." Recharging Took a day sick leave today. I hope this will help. Though actually I did get even sicker during the day. That is typical really: I guess my body considers that it must be pretty sick if I stay home on a Wednesday, and so it acts accordingly... I feel like my batteries are running a bit low. Staying indoors on a beautiful sunny day, lazing around in my pajamas and playing Pharaoh much of the time. I don't know ... there's something about seeing even a minor pyramid grow year by year. And of course, there are those small comments that pop up on the screen regularly: ***People love you*** and ***People idolize you as a god***. Now, that last one is a bit over the top, but at least my self esteem is recharging! :) *** Also tried to look through my comic book collection for some old comics. Had to give up eventually. There must be thousands of them. I guess I should have sorted them or something. I mean, over and above putting the newest on top of the other. Anyway, to put it short, I was distracted. Well, absorbed. So, basically, I decided to read those instead of writing today. I hope that's OK for y'all. At least I got a nice picture. "Magnus, Robot Fighter." Heh. I vaguely remember reading a few issues of M.R.F. in Norwegian when I was a child. In black and white, of course. I thought it was so cool that the hero was called Magnus. It seemed ... right. Sometimes I've wondered if these futuristic stories had anything to do with my later choice of computers as a lifestyle. Who knows? It was an impressionable age. Then again, I think to some extent you have to be born with a certain kind of brain to be a good programmer. "Natural born programmer." It goes along with the genes for addiction to caffeine, sugar and pizza. Probably on the same chromosome or something ... If your kids go wild at the sight of pizza and cola, give them a computer. They are going to make it sing and dance. In fact, my computer at work has been singing and dancing lately, but not to my tune. It's been howling, and the picture wavers as if seen through streaming water. I'd have it repaired, but so far the entertainent value has surpassed the annoyance. It is fun to see people's face when they see the screen picture do exotic dancing. I also called and complained about a PC hanging up with a blue screen and lots of useless info on. You have probably seen those. The blue screen of death. There was not much sympathy at the support center, though. "These PCs run Windows NT. It is supposed to crash; it is Windows." That, in effect, was the reply. Hmmf. Magnus, Windows Fighter? No, er, that may carry too many other meanings. Forget it. It's bedtime anyway. |
Sunny day, starry night. |
Visit the Diary Farm for the older diaries I've put out to pasture.