Tuesday 1 February 2000

Me in my chair

Pic of the day: Working off my electronic debt.
"I think my rewrites improve things, except late in the night..."

In debt to the world

Regarding my recent entry, "bad mood rising", one may ask if it is not entirely reasonable to Just Say No to helping others who don't pay for it? I guess to some it would be. And certainly there are limits to what I will do for any one person! But in general, my view is that I am in debt to the world.

Technically, I guess, first and foremost my parents. They spent a lot of time and money (compared to what they had, at least) on me, and never asked to get it back. I may be mistaken (in which case they should feel free to tell me) but my impression was that they did not invest in me for their own future comfort. I always felt like a gift to the world. (Which may account somewhat for my attitude, heh.)

Of course, parents in general should be aware that their kids (along with others) contribute to their pensions. This is particularly noticeable in a society with collective pensions system, like the until recently socialist Norway. But basically all pensions funds, even private ones, depend on the future workforce to deliver. At least until robots become more advanced than they are today... Until then, all investments in the future assumes children. Someone's children.

Now it so happens that some of us don't have children. So basically we do not "pass it on", as our ancestors have done for thousands of years. Particularly when one is childless by choice rather than for purely biological reasons, there is a certain logic in wanting to do something special with one's life. Having children is a bit like reincarnation: Some part of you lives on and gets a new chance. Now I don't have children and I don't expect to re-incarnate. (Well, my spirit quite possibly will, but not my soul, with its memories and quirks.) So basically, if I want my life to count for anything at all on this earth, I better do something now.

Apart from my parents, the wider society has invested quite a bit in me. Teachers, taxpayers ... you get the point. So it is not entirely unreasonable if I occasionally, when schedules permit, do something for nothing for someone else who needs it. I do not feel an obligation to do anything that any idiot demands. But helping those who need it? Sure thing. Even if they're not pretty maidens in distress. And particularly if they are. :)


Having some pretty hectic days. It probably does not help that I write, edit, delete, rewrite and re-edit both e-mails and updates. Makes you wonder how the original draft was, huh? The worst thing is that I am not always sure the end result is better. I wish I had an editor. (The human, not the simplified text processing tool. I have those. My favorite of the latest year is Programmers File Editor.) Generally I think my rewrites improve things, except late in the night. Right now is late in the night, so I better just upload.


My throat feels a bit thick today, and my nose is starting to get a bit smelly too. I guess some bacteria are trying another unfriendly takeover of my respiratory tract. I do not expect them to succeed, but I guess I could resist better if I start getting enough sleep again.

My apologies to those who expected an e-mail from me or hoped to see me on IRC and were disappointed. I hope for there to be another chance. I have not forgotten you.

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